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Sewer Achor


On Call and 24/7 Water and Sewer Line Repair Service
Broken sewer or water lines could not only be destructive economically but could harm you physically with bacterial infection spread about your property or commercial business. 
Your water and sewer lines are the arteries of plumbing in your home and business. Water lines provide fresh, clean water, while the sewer line transports the wastewater away and problems with either could wreak havoc at your house or your business. At LA Local Plumbing, we are fully equipped to handle issues with either of these demanding plumbing lines and capable of having your plumbing restored to functionality in quickly and efficiently.


Demands placed on sewer and water lines are high, and different reasons could cause problems in your water or sewer lines. Aging plumbing affected by tree roots or old clogged steel water pipes could be the cause of a sudden plumbing disaster arriving at the worst time so at LA Local Plumbing we are available and at your service overnight, weekends, and for emergency repairs. At LA Local Plumbing we have technicians standing by close to your location, and we come equipped to repair your sewer or water line 24/7.

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When it comes to a water line leak or burst pipe, you will typically notice either a pool of standing water outside your home or business or lower water pressure. Another indication of a burst or leaking pipe is rusty color water, emanating from old and rusty pipes. If your water bill seems to be higher than usual, the main culprit is usually a leaking or burst pipe, with water trickling into the ground which could cause ground collapse and significant expenses.


So if you notice water draining too slowing or hear an unusual gurgling sounds from your shower and toilet, you may be facing a clogged sewer line.  You may also detect a rancid smell about your home, which is another typical indication of sewer line damage. The foul scent and a sudden appearance of water draining too slowly is usually a precursor to the sewage line backing up. If you notice any of these signs, you should contact LA Local Plumbing immediately for service. Your prompt attention, and understanding how to detect typical issues with your water or sewer line could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in additional expenses avoided.


At LA Local Plumbing we are water and sewer repair professionals. Our experienced technicians have seen every kind of water and sewer line disaster.


If you are in need of an inspection, or water or sewer line repair in Santa Clarita, Canyon Country, Granada Hills, Newhall, Saugus, and Valencia, Contact LA Local Plumbing 24/7 today!

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We are On Call and Available 24 hours a day, 7 Days a Week

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